This year's Buffalo Headwaters Challenge, put on by Ozark Off Road Cyclists, was held the weekend of February 10-February 12, after having to be pushed back a week due to three days of sleet, ice and freezing rain, giving the group time to get out on the trails and do their best to clear any dead trees and branches, making the trails safe and ride-able (or nearly ride-able ) as can be.
Friday was a bit overcast and chilly, but Saturday, the day of the main event, dawned sunny, beautiful and warm. The riders were stoked, the grilled cheese was delicious as always, friendly smiles were everywhere to be seen, jokes were told on center stage, the story of how the Buffalo Headwaters mountain bike trails came to be was told, chili, chicken pot pie over hot biscuits, the bands, the beer (and whiskey) were flowing, . . . all in all, it was another amazing event put on by OORC (and I can't wait till next year's Challenge)!
And now, I'll just let the pictures do the talking.